AFN 3.0 (March 2023 - Bugs, Oopsies, "Why did you do this?", and other Reporting)

Son of Hobbes

High of the Tiger
Staff member
AFN Admin
Cultivators Club
Oct 8, 2012
Reaction score
Hey everyone,

So we had a major upgrade/update to the forum itself. Literally every single piece of software that we use, whether it's a core software or an add-on, has been updated to the latest and greatest to help provide a smoother experience, less bugs, more security, and hopefully some useful new features!

We realize not every feature and change is going to be accepted by everyone. Some of the features may not be accepted by anyone haha!

That said, before we make "knee jerk" changes to things; it would be nice to get feedback and comments on what we should or could take a look at, and then we'll decide as a staff of what "next steps" would be.

While I hope we can cater to the popular opinion; some features may be "core" going forward; but let's figure out what's broken, what doesn't look "quite right," etc, and we'll start with that!

Current known issues:
- We're working on fixing the rest of the emoji's; they didn't transfer over correctly on the migration. @Mañ'O'Green is doing a great job fixing them up; and I'm uploading them as time permits.

- There's a security warning that's flagging on some browsers; much of that is from the domain not having resolved just yet. It can take several days for everything to catch up when working with a new domain; but the same person that has always watched over the tech side of the site is on it; and we assure you it's safe browsing here.

- The AFN Empire Dark/Light themes are a work in progress; I only enabled them to get feedback from the community currently. AFN Empire Dark has some glaring contrast issues with some of the colors that I'll be working on.

If you want an easier, less bug filled viewing experience, the 2018 Legacy Style and the Default Style (Default is what the forum software came with, it's not bad on the eyes,) those will get you through if you don't feel like being guinea pig on the viewing styles.

The side scrolling at the bottom of the screen. It's awful. I would love for the option to disable it.

weird scrolling threads.jpg

You can see at the bottom, the subjects don't even load in until you scroll even further down. Then the cycle just repeats until you've scrolled all the way to the bottom. Once at the bottom of the page you can breathe a breath of fresh air, until you realize you have to scroll up again.

Edit: I think the scrolling itself isn't too bad, a little annoying. But the incomplete page, that's the worst.

The side scrolling at the bottom of the screen. It's awful. I would love for the option to disable it.

View attachment 1572918

You can see at the bottom, the subjects don't even load in until you scroll even further down. Then the cycle just repeats until you've scrolled all the way to the bottom. Once at the bottom of the page you can breathe a breath of fresh air, until you realize you have to scroll up again.

I noticed that.. That and the android side scroll was annoying. (noticed it's gone now.) I dig the format, and the pages load much faster on my end.
Hey what about my 25 million reputation points, will I get them back?
Or in other words, will the stat info under our names be coming back?

Rep still shows up on your user profile card:


I'll have to see if I can get it to display on the avatar spot like it did before.
I hope this is already on the to-do list:
There is one button I use 100 times a day... "alerts..." It used to be anchored at the top of the screen where I could always see it and click on it, which was very convenient. In the Empire layout I have to scroll from the bottom of the thread to the top of the page before I can see it.

PC specs:
browser: Firefox 110.0.1(64-bit)
OS: Ubuntu Linux 22.04.2 LTS
processor: AMD Phenom ii x6 1055t
memory: 32 GiB
I hope this is already on the to-do list:
There is one button I use 100 times a day... "alerts..." It used to be anchored at the top of the screen where I could always see it and click on it, which was very convenient. In the Empire layout I have to scroll from the bottom of the thread to the top of the page before I can see it.

Yeah that really don't like not being able to see the alerts icon
Curious what the benefits of using the app? I normally run multiple tabs now I have to have a separate window for each one doesn't make it very convenient for browsing and bouncing between different tabs.. Maybe I am missing something I not the most computer savvy person.. I may just got back to using with chrome